Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Rough Day

Today started off with me not winning tickets for Sugarland...oh well I get to see them any way. Then sitting down with my co-manager, she was telling me that she was talking to a friend and asked him what kind of person puts red beans and rice on the menu for a Friday, and he responded with "an idiot" she repeated it a few times then told me not to take it personally as she was laughing about it. Well, that idiot is me, since I'm the one who made the menu up for the week. Real good way to start my day. To be honest, I don't know how not to take that personally. It rubbed me the wrong way and there isn't a lot I can do about that, but I didn't find it funny at all.

So I went to run some errands and see a house that my Delaware boys are working on, and ended up at the Joint for lunch and a tour with Heidi their construction assistant so now I know where to take Amber and her group next week. Then my boss called and had me go back to the UPS store to pick up the computer I had shipped to Louisville, because it needed to go to Houma instead. Now I'm in the office doing this while dinner is cooking...luckily it is already going and I don't have to do too much.

I'll admit though that not being "filled" spiritually in anyway is becoming more and more difficult. I need a break and a balance. I understand the job now, but I need some friends who can build me spiritually. This picture is me on the levy that the barge broke through to flood the Lower 9th Ward.

I stepped out of my comfort zone yesterday, I took the Delaware group through the Lower 9th Ward at dusk. We drove past a couple of elderly women who were talking on their porch and I made Win turn around and let me out. I felt like I really needed to talk to them. And so I did. I introduced myself, and they looked at me like I was a crazy white girl...mostly because I am, but we had a good short conversation. I got to hear about one woman's rebuilding process and how she drove down every day to watch the contractor work and didn't pay him anything until certain jobs were done. And if he needed money for materials, she went with him to get them. Her house and 3 others are the only ones rebuilt on her block, all the others are demolished to the foundation. The Lower 9th Ward is a hard thing to go witness because a lot of what you see are just front porch steps going no where. All that is left is the steps and if you climb them, then you can see the foundation slab under about 3 feet of grass. It is absolutely heart wrenching. I hope that I can build a bit of a relationship with some of the people in the Lower 9th so that they will get to know me by name and be able to bring groups by to sit, chat, and listen. It was really awesome to fall into the New Orleans culture last night by being able to stop and chat. That is what it is about down here.

I got to listen to advise from a woman today who paid off her mortgage in 1990, and she just received a foreclosure notice on Sat. She told me today that if this city is evacuating, then to not listen to the government if they say go to the Superdome or any other place, just get out of town yourself. She said it isn't worth following the directions and being put under martial law. That was her piece of advise for me if I was ever in the big earthquake in Seattle. People are really hurting down here, and the hurt runs deep...It runs all the way past revenge, to expectation. An expectation that the government is going to screw you over and don't care if it cost you your life. It is hard to see a city where the American dream was abused, and nobody can hope for it ever again, even if they are in their 80's and lived it their whole life.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

An Awesome Week!!!

For those who don't know, last year I played a lot of cards while I was down here with a group of men from Delaware. I got to share with them, my life, and they shared theirs, and because of them I realized what exactly my calling is down here. To get to know the volunteers. It is great to build houses but someone needs to get to know these people who are giving up a week of their lives/family/jobs and get to know them and their stories.

I got to do that last year with this group of men from DE. I had a very pleasant surprise this morning when I got back from church...Those men are here again!!!! I'm so excited! Not only does it mean that I get to beat them at the card game I taught them last year but I already know them. And they know a lot about me too. I get to continue this relationship! I'm so stoked! It is going to be an amazing week...I'm so excited. I get hugs too!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to share more...for now I have a card game to win.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Lessons learned...

I got to ask a volunteer who left this morning, who is about 70, what she wished she knew now what she didn't know when she was 26. Her response "That I'm not in control". But then she told me that it is a lesson not easily understood until I get older.

We had a great neighbor night last night. We had a dozen homeowners and their families here to eat with us. We heard one story of a woman and her special ed son and her daughter, I think, having to be on their roof for 3 days after Katrina hit. And then being ripped off by fake contractors, even taking her 8,000 dollars. It was heart wrenching. There were also a lot of kids here last night and they were fun to get to know. One high school girl wants to be a poet so she asked me if I would do some editing. I'm excited to be a part of these people's lives. We also had a lot of home owners who's homes have been finished within the last year.

I have a place to stay in Southern Cali, and that will be fun. I'll have to get down there just to see people, and make connections across the country.

Now we have some of the North Carolina boys helping me out here around the village. Yesterday David, who used to work with Nascar's pit crew changed a tire for me. Oh I have pictures that are loading now in the computer, and I'm adding them here.

It is getting warm out here. I've learned that the week of my birthday is the most beautiful weather where ever I am. It has been minimal humidity. And yes I've been wearing sunscreen. And yes, I have my tan before my birthday! Tonight I'm going out with the group from New Jersey to celebrate my birthday. Everyone sang to me yesterday and had cake with candles. It was awesome. One of the AmeriCorps girls shares a birthday with me too...And tomorrow I'm going out with Laura who cooks once a week here for dinner and a hurricane at Pat O'Brians.

One more injury to add to the list this week. I biffed it hard and scrapped up my hands. I think the last time I fell like that I was in North Dakota. But I did a perfect volleyball slide, and didn't really hurt myself too badly. Here is a picture of the quilt too. Then I'm signing off to work myself.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Time To Hide

Hello from a very tired Village Manager.

I have to admit I'm tired enough to be cranky, and take everything said personally. I'm just ready to have some personal time on my own. Right now I'm working on the new computer that Louisville sent down, and a group of 25 is slowly trickling in. I'll admit that I'd rather have some alone time. I'm also having a lonely moment. I can't wait for friends to come down here! I also have another headache coming on. And all the people aren't really happy.

This computer was supposed to be the one I've had before. But I'll settle for a bran spanking new computer. But no DRD program that I've found thus far. Because of that, I get to keep doing it the easy way. I just have to remember to send it to Christy so it can be entered.

Monday, April 20, 2009

First Injury

Okay, okay be proud, it took me 4 weeks before I hurt myself! I took a chunk out of my left index finger with a potato peeler. And I do mean a chunk. One of the volunteers here took a look at it and decided that if it had more skin I would need stiches, but alas no skin. So much for making that patato salad I was going to make.

So now my finger hurts but it isn't that bad. I'm off to bed, I'm exhausted.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Volunteers back in the house

Another week with Volunteers begins!

We just got a couple of groups in, as well as AmeriCorps volunteers. I'm excited about the AmeriCorps because they are here for the next 6 weeks. Doesn't hurt that there are a couple of cute guys in the group too. One in particular. Too bad that I have to be in charge and can't form personal relationships with them. But so goes life! I'm excited to have constant faces for the next 6 weeks. And not too long after they leave, Jessie is coming down! How amazing is that?

I'm excited for this group of volunteers, they seem to know what they are doing. And ready to be flexible, which is good because I have no idea what houses they are working on...I never got that information this week. So I'm not sure what their time sheets will look like. One thing I'll have to scramble to get done during the Project Homecoming orientation. Project Homecoming assigns the groups to the right homes to work on, so it is them who dropped the ball.

I am going to crochet a blanket for this one house we are working on. The house has an interesting patter design on the celing and a different color for each room of the house, so I'm going to use the pattern with all the colors of the rooms.

Well, I'm going to go to bed. I have to get back on schedual of early mornings along with our late nights...Here begins another week!

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Package

This week off has been amazing. I did get a lot done around the village, and some of it I decided to leave for volunteers to do next week. And I have a "honey do" list for them.

My back is finally peeling after being sunburned last fault, was too busy to think about it and that won't happen again believe me! I got the coolest thing in the mail today. I went to the post office to pick up a package that was addressed to me, not expecting any package at all. I opened it up, and it was a full size quilt multi colored! I'm going to take pictures of it and add it to this post in a while. But it is beautiful, and heavy duty too! It comes from a group that was already here when I got here. They are from Lacy, WA, and where great to get to know, even if I only had a few days with them vs. a week. I'm so grateful. I can't wait to show it off.

I promise, I'm going to sit down and write more tonight!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Why do people call me before 9am, to tell me information that I asked for over e-mail and then tell me that they are e-mailing me? Especially when they've been here before! It just doesn't make sense to me. I mean this group is an hour a head in time zone but still. People need to think. I hate all the rough first impressions in this job. It makes it hard to love them when they first show up. Oh yeah, this group is coming in at 11pm on Sat. night!

Monday, April 13, 2009

"Right Key, Wrong Keyhole" ~song by Charmain

Wow, where to begin!

Tonight was awesome. Christina, one of the construction assistants (goddess) took me to Snug Harbor club to listen to one of her favorite bands. First off it was free, because she dated the guitar player and is still really good friend with him. I am too now that he bought me lunch and dinner!

Anyway this singer's name is Charmain. Her band is a Jazz band, and absolutely amazing. Since Christina knows her and the band as soon as we walked in Christina introduced me to Charmain and she gave me a hug and thanked me many times for what I was doing down here. She mentioned how important it is for people like me to come down and help out this wonderful city. This singer has a special switch that she can turn on and off while she sings: she can channel Louis Armstrong as if he was singing through her. And the best part is she doesn't strain her voice at all to do it! It was the most impressive thing I had ever seen/heard! She also could scat! I could never do that if my life depended on it, and she did it perfectly! She could also do it in her Louis Armstrong voice! She literally just kicked off her shoes and sang. Christina is going to take me back the Monday after my birthday, but I have to be prepared to play something, even if it is a shaker. My music skills are nothing compared to this band, but I'll give it a go!

It was so nice to just get out. This was my first night out in down town New Orleans since I got here three and a half weeks ago! It definitely was what I needed. Christina also taught me how to tile today. That was a blast. I actually get to do it tomorrow, being that I'm a visual learner, I watched and repeated today and tomorrow I get to accomplish the task. Detroit, the guitar player bought lunch today, another part of Louisiana that I love. Evey one takes care of everyone else. It really doesn't get better than that!

I'm super sunburned...My back last night started to blister! I've never burned that badly before. Well, now I know that my back can't be exposed to the sun! I'll wear the cut off t-shirt that covers my back more than my tank tops do. My arms got burnt but now they are tan, my face tanned right away that was nice. my chest is a little burned but it is healing quickly.

Tonight was a great night! I'm going to ask Charmain if I can write her biography because as soon as she got on stage I knew she would have one hell of a story to tell. Christina confirmed that for me tonight, so there is no harm in asking.

Well, it is 12:30am, and I'm absolutely exhausted. I'll tell more later.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

The easter bunny was the main course.

It was a good day...Not just because Jesus has risen, but I didn't spend it alone. I met up with a couple of PSL workers at Lakeview Pres for church this morning, but I got to sleep in which was amazing too! And Susan looked at me after church as asked what I was doing for dinner. I said, "make'n my own" And she said, no you ain't come over to the house and bring a desert. So I made some cookies and brought it over to Susan's house and had dinner with Ally and her daughter who is 2years old. Susan and Christina too. Susan, Christina and I are a group that can talk for hours! Susan is worse than me!!!! Susan made Gumbo and let me tell you, no two gumbos are the same in taste. Ally made her first home made gumbo for lunch today, and it was rabbit and sausage gumbo. I would have love to try that. But I had chicken and sausage gumbo instead. I love gumbo but my stomach doesn't. I just can't pass up the food.

I'm going out on the town to listen to Christina's favorite band tomorrow night. I can't wait. Actually do the New Orleans thing! Christina is great she has daughters my age-ish and is just a cool woman who I've gotten to share a lot with in the last week, and who has shared a lot with me. I am ready for this week! No volunteers so essentially it is a week off for me! And then I'll have a full house with 60ish and at the end of that week, it is my birthday! Can't wait. Well, I'm going to bed because it is 11:23pm and my body is still on routine, with I should be asleep by now. I'll have more to write tomorrow when I'm more awake, since I didn't get a chance to write much this last week.

Friday, April 10, 2009


I had a visitor last night that apparently lives under my portch to my trailer. He gave me a bit of a fright at 11pm last night, because I almost stepped on him. Yup that is him. I need to name him if he is going to keep visiting me. Now I had no problem in high school taking care of a 13ft. snake, but that one was contained. I'll admit that I'm a little afraid of snakes when they are in the wild. Mostly because you never know what they are going to do. Luckily for me I did not step on this guy, I seem to mostly walk with my head down and that is a very good thing. I need to do some research today of what types of snakes call this area home. Where is St. Patrick when I need him to expell the snakes from New Orleans? Corny joke, I know but still. He was hard to see in the dark. Had I not noticed I could have gotten bit. And I really don't like that idea much at all. Anyway that was my surprise last night.
I'm ready to sleep in next week. I'm off to run some errands. Later.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Higher up crap!

Today has been interesting, including my fingers not wanting to type correctly. I've been in the office doing computer work all day so far. We have people from Louisville (HQ) here interviewing, and today, they thought I couldn't hear them when they are talking on the other side of my wall. They even went out of their way to get up and mention that my door was closed before they started talking about people I know, and that try to take care of me in this position. I've always been one to hear all and say nothing, but now I feel a little torn. I don't need to get involved with the bigwigs, when it portrays to other people above me, but I now know what my boss meant yesterday when she said that she hates being around them because she feels like a hypocrite, having to say one thing when she feels and does another. I don't know. I know where they stand, but it is awkward to be on this side of the coin waiting to flip it and decide whether or not to relay information, I'm not even supposed to have.

It all feels so Corporate to me, and really, now I understand why things have been so disorganized to get here. At least once I got here there is a process in place that already functions, but I'm hearing stories about how things were and and how they are now, and if things had run in the villages the way they run now, I feel like things wouldn't be so disorganized here. If there is one thing I've learned in the last two days is that even if positions with PDA open up, the one I'm at now, is the best one to have. This very much closes a door on my interest in working for PDA as an employee. I've heard way too much in the last two days, that even I wonder if these people who work for a Christian organization to help people, are Christian themselves or if they have much as far as ethics goes. I'm definitely not comfortable, and I want these people out of my village, so the tension can go away!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

God is Good

God provides. I've been supported by people I don't even know! It is amazing. I'm missing small group before it even comes close to being that time today. I could use the hugs that is for sure! I'm about to start a countdown to when my friends from UPC are down here: 3 more weeks.

Things are tense here. Bigwigs are on site for interviews and it is crazy. I feel like I'm back at target, but I refuse to let it get me down because there is only so much I can do! Well I'm off to deposit some money!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"I Saw God Today"

It is still cold! I swear my trailer was only at 42 degrees when I got up this morning. I would love to wear my CWU sweatshirt all day, but bigwigs are coming in and I have to stay in PDA gear. Not a big deal but the sweatshirt they gave me, is thin! It feels like spring in Seattle down here. I can't wait for the end of the week when it is back up in the 80's.

Things are changing here. My new partner Kate is here now. The best part is, I got a hug first thing this morning! She is only here through mid May so I have a month with her, then I'll transition again. I think this job, when you have more than 20people is overwhelming by yourself, but I have no doubt that I could do this job by myself. That wouldn't be ideal, but it is possible. The early mornings would catch up quickly.

It really hit me hard yesterday that I wouldn't be going back to Convergence at UPC or small group any time soon. It is great to be here, and I've settled in quickly but I miss those close relationships. It defiantly takes it toll on me. If this position was through Young Adult Volunteers I would be placed in community with the other YAV's and that would make the difference for me.

I heard some great stories the last few days that I've been mulling over and trying to figure out how I could write them out the the understanding and feeling that hearing them had on me, so I'll give it a try:

Thurs. is neighbor night here at the village. We invite construction assistants/managers home owners and neighbors to dinner. One woman who is a neighbor to a site makes lunch for the volunteers three days a week or more. This woman has no job, and until a month ago was making amazing lunches on two hotpots and a microwave. Then some volunteers found a stove for her and installed it! She explains her heart in serving those who come down to serve others. She has nothing herself, she didn't need help with her house, and she wants nothing more than to make lunch for these volunteers to thank them for coming down here to help her community. She will tell you that she is serving God by serving lunch to volunteers and having absolutely no expectations in return! She knows that everything she does in her life is for God and that her reward is Jesus saying, "Good work my good and faithful servant".

Another neighbor came in to explain that at the age of 60, he became a refugee in his own state. The Federal help that he sought out to get everything together had red tape of people asking him for his paperwork proving that he owned the land, the house, the insurance to fix the house. The problem was, he only had a day to evacuate his family and save his life and everything that was in the house, all that paperwork was washed away! The bank that had copies of all that paperwork, was washed away. And he too thanked the volunteers for what they do. He also told us that if you were in line to take a bus to evacuate, and you were number 54 in line and the bus only held 50, but you had a baby. You would hand your baby to someone on that bus, thinking that the next bus that you were getting on was going to the same place as that bus. The first concern was getting your baby safe. The problem was that first bus was going to Ohio, or South Carolina, and the bus you got on went to north Louisiana. When you got off the bus your baby wasn't there! That brought tears to my eyes. Only wanting to save your children, but not knowing where each bus was going and thinking they were all going to the same place, I can't imagine the horror!

George Strait has a song titled "I Saw God Today" and the chorus is:
I've been to church
I've read the book
I know He's here, but I don't look
near as often as I should
Yeah, I know I should
His fingerprints are everywhere
I'd just slow down to stop and stare
opened my eyes and man I swear
I saw God today

When I get to hear these stories whether they are first hand or through the volunteers who come back for dinner and tell me the stories, that is when I see God. The best part about that, is I get to stop and see God every day down here because his presence is so big. I'm not wrapped up in a job, or my schedule, I get to be flexible and see God all the time, and that is a huge blessing.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Feeling anxious

Today is a cold day outside! It is windy like in Grand Forks or Ellensburg! We hit our high this morning before I even woke up and I was already cold. It is a low key day, I'm hoping to get some stuff done on the computer, and clean up around here. I can see the desk again, so that is good!

I have just been self-reflecting today. I'm starting to miss my community more and more. Being that a constant is only for a week here, it is really starting to hit me that I won't have small group on Wed. Or Convergence on Tue. That is starting to take its toll on me. I don't have a whole lot of time to try and find a group around my age of Christians here. I have to take what I get on a week to week basis. But I still love this job. I had an uber low-key weekend and that was good. I took me time, and just relaxed for the two days. Next week we don't have any volunteers so I'm not sure what my week will look like. It would be awesome to get a group or a couple of people together to go to Jazz fest with me. Maybe someone else would like to see Sugarland with me!

I'm anxious to get going on the future: apply for jobs, figure out what, where, and when things are going to happen. I may be exhausted right now, but I'm feeling a little tug on my hear to look into staying here longer. I don't know what that means or if it will happen, but it certainly isn't out of the options. Who knows what will happen. I'm looking into possibly applying for teaching positions at privet boarding schools. You never know what could happen there. I was inspired to look into that through Logan, who Christy hooked me up with to edit his very long, but very good writing project. It is an option nonetheless. Other than that, there isn't anything new to report that I can think of. Hope all is well with y'all.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wow it's April!

Well happy April everyone!

Today is a sad day as I say goodbye to Julia. She has trained me well, and been a great friend. And a great opponent in Nertz! She takes off this afternoon and I am on my own to wrap everything up with the group we have this week. These 5 groups are amazing! One thing that a construction assistant said to me yesterday was that her group was the perfect group for that house this week. And that is how I feel about this group as a whole. Our grounds have never looked cleaner, and they have been self-sufficient. And after last week's group this one is a blessing. Different personalities are definitely a blessing and is going to keep me fresh in this job. I can tell it is Thursday because I'm totally exhausted!

We are once again on storm watch but only thunder storms so far! I'm still learning lots in the area of how much to cook, and how much to have on hand. It starts to pile up after a while. But I'm glad for the lesson.

A friend asked me in an e-mail yesterday if I was homesick. Yes I miss my friends and small group girls and family, but I'm not homesick. There is a very special sense of peace inside of me right now because I know I did something right by listening to God and coming down here. This is where I am supposed to be, and because of that, this is now my home! I'm officially here through July. And then who knows. Time flies by but at a different pace down here. I'm defiantly not running like a chicken with my head cut-off any more. More so on Mondays but not throughout the rest of the week. Once this week is over, I'm going to post pictures here and on facebook. There are some interesting ones. I think the ones I'm the most proud of are the individual group photos. They mean something a little more to me because for at least that one week they are my friends. Whether or not I see or talk to them again is in God's hands, but I know that each one has taught me something about me, God, and themselves.

Well, everyone is off, and so am I to run errands.