It has been a very long three weeks. With constant volunteers in house, and dedications (Praise God), and trying to get things organized here on village. Project Homecoming didn't work on Fri. so I had the group stay here and complete a whole lot of village organization and other big projects that needed to get done here.
On Thurs. I got to go on a swamp tour down in Houma. It was nice to be on a boat, where the movement created a breeze, where there wasn't a breeze.It has been extremely hot down here. Heat index of 110-115. I got to see alligators in the wild. and some large birds. We've had some great thunder storms this last week too. Once the rain starts, the temp. drops about 20 degrees. I have to admit that there is no getting used to heat like this, I am slowly acclimating to it.
Last night I went to Laura's for dinner and she took me to the Chalmette fireworks, which were nothing to Seattle's but they weren't too bad. Then I blew off my own fireworks. I didn't go down town because it was going to be too crowded, and I wasn't up for dealing with the large crowds. It rained most of the afternoon yesterday, so the 4th felt just like a Seattle 4th. It is raining now too, and it is refreshing.
I'm waiting to hear from NIU about getting in in the fall. I have to admit that my hopes are up; but a huge part of me wants to stay here as well. I also need to search for scholarships and more grant money. Now that I am 26 and independent according to the government, I am now qualified as a non-traditional student. Add that to being a first generation college student, hopefully I can find more financial aid for school.
So I am looking for places to live in Dekalb, as well as possible jobs. reality has set in that I might have to go back to Target, and I'm ready for that if it happens. But I'm going to try for a higher position within Target, so that my schedule will be more flexible. I'm also going to see about giving tours down here of the lower 9th ward, and see if I can't pick up a little more cash.
I gave a tour to a group yesterday. I got a call at 6:45ish am on a Sat morning to see if I could give this group a tour. I had no problem giving a tour on my day off, but I didn't need the phone call that early in the morning. The group didn't have anything to do with the phone call, nor did they know that that phone call was coming, but still, it was a little obnoxious. Well, I'm going to go work on the blanket that I've started...my goal is to have it completed by the end of the week, even if I have to watch every movie I own to get it done...my crocheting is slower now since it is hot outside, than it was this past winter.
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