Again, I am sorry this is weeks coming! I have been busy and as the summer winds down I've been out enjoying more of the city than I really have time for. Because of that, I am now sick, and taking a much needed down week for myself. It helps that I have only 6 volunteers this week.
What have I done the last couple of weeks? Well I had a visitor in my trailer this past week.
Needless to say, he was unwanted, and there for has been killed. For those of you who have never seen this kind of spider before, let me introduce you to a brown recluse. They are very poisonous. To give you a little perspective on where this guy was, just to the right of the frame, is the opening to my bed! My dog barked once at it, then ran between my legs and hid. I threw the thickest souled shoe I had at it then swept it out of the trailer. I had the creeps the rest of the night.

I took Steph to see Charmaine Nevelle, and we met some Germans who had sat in front of us. Steph being from Germany, offered to take them on a tour, and asked if I could drive. So I gave a tour without talking! Yes, Jen didn't talk! Rarely did Steph ask me a question, I just drove. But it was fun. We got a free dinner out of the deal, and had a nice time. We also took
them to the most famous Cemetery in New Orleans. It was raining at that point so Steph and I went back to the cemetery the following week. We each separated and took our own photos. I'll admit it was nice to separate a bit, because it seems like we do a lot together, yet at the same time she goes out a lot more than I do. I am a very independent person, and it is hard for me to want to go out and hang out with someone I see all day long.

What else have I done? Steph and I have become regulars at a bar on Wed nights to sing karaoke. I have this knack for singing ABBA...But it is fun. I introduced Steph to an all american shot: chocolate cake! It is her new favorite thing.
For those who don't know, I applied to Northern Illinois University as a post-bac to get my teaching certificate. I have been accepted! I am deferring the acceptance until Jan. because I'm getting conflicted information on how the program runs. The English Ed. advisor is telling me I have to take the program as a master's candidate, and take and pay for graduate level courses. Or I could get a history ed. degree as an undergrad. Basically making the program 4 years long. I'm not ready to commit to a 4 year program when all I want is to teach. I have enough student loans, I don't need 4 more years worth.
So in the mean time, I am telling my boss here, that I want to come back in Sept. but also applying for jobs in the Chicago area. If something great comes up I can always move up to Illinois and walk a way from PDA. Or I can always come back. It also helps that Illinois has a 6 month residency requirements, so if I was to start a job in Aug, I could be a resident in January.
Well, that is me, and what I am up to. I better go get some real work done now.
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