Julia and I decided to both get up for the breakfast responsibilities this morning so that our getting up early was equal for the week. Needless to say both of us had really been up since 1am. We've been on Tornado watch for the last 24 hours. When I got up this morning at about 5:45, and I was running late, as soon as I got out of bed I stepped in a puddle in my trailer. Then I went to the bathroom of my trailer to get a towel to clean it up, and stepped in another puddle, and I found a leak in the corner of my trailer as well. Okay, so all of this is at 5:45 am. I grab my shower stuff, and head to the main building to shower and check on the group making pancakes for breakfast. Julia and I talk a little about the puddles we found in our trailers, and we realize that we need to open the gate, so I volunteered since my feet were already wet from walking in the flooded walkway to the building. As I'm walking to the gate to unlock it, I kicked a little frog that was jumping just as I was crossing the parking lot. I'll admit (and it sounds bad but) I got a good laugh out of kicking the frog. It reminded me of driving to Brandon's parents' house and the frogs jumping into the side of the car as we were driving.
So after the frog kicking, I opened the office to check e-mail since since we were still on tornado watch. Well, to my surprise our desk was completely covered in water. All the paper work we had half completed in 5hours yesterday, the computer, the floor, everything. Turns out the leak that our boss said was fixed wasn't really fixed. So Julia and I cleaned up the office at 6am! Once we had breakfast I made the announcement of the dedication for the afternoon, and right after everyone left for the day the news was saying that people in that part of the city should evacuate. Okay, I'm laughing hysterically at this point because what else could go wrong with the day? Famous last words. I was the black cloud today for my boss, and I called her at 8am and gave her the laundry list of crap that had gone wrong just this morning.
Vann, one of the construction managers came and assessed the roof damage. He and Heidi rebuilt that part of our roof for us! Then the electrician didn't come. then we had the dedication. It was a full day! As I was getting the group cooking going two guys came in half dressed and said that the door to the men's shower trailer was locked and that they couldn't get in. Once I got there, I realized I didn't have a key, but I turned the handle, and pulled, then I pulled again and poof the door was open. Oh boy did I have fun giving the guys crap about that! It must be my womanly strength! Go me! And now our dishwasher is leaking too!
The dinner bell just rung, and I need to go pray. I love being flexible.
Oh yes there is more to the day! As we were praying for dinner, we were ticked that all the other groups left for dinner and didn't tell either Julia or I so we made taco stuff for 40 people, and only had 14! Not a happy manager I am. Then while the girls were clea
Oh man!! How awful to have all of that paperwork ruined! Was/is the computer okay?
ReplyDeleteSo what exactly are you doing in New Orleans? Are you rebuilding homes for Katrina victims?
Sounds like you're doing an awesome job!
I'm managing a volunteer village in new Orleans for volunteers that come and rebuild homes. Nope the computer was totaled! But All in good humor.
ReplyDeleteThe moral of the story...NEVER KICK A FROG! it appears to be bad luck.
ReplyDeleteNice drill!