Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Back at work...Time to quit

Wow, I never thought that the time would come where I got to go visit Jessie, then come back to work and face the roses of quitting.

I'll be honest, I was really tempted by Jessie's suggestion to just call my boss quit and stick around with her for another week or so, but stupid responsibilities got in the way!

My count-down has begun to New Orleans having only 16 more days! I'm excited, and now I'm nervous. I feel as though my vacation to visit Jessie (who worked with PDA last year) has prepared me a lot. I expected the vacation to allow me some down time, rest/relaxation, and give me the chance to pick Jessie's brain about the job I'm heading into. Little did I know that it was going to prepare me for saying goodbye as well. I had no idea it was going to be that difficult for me to say goodbye after only a few days, after all, I've said goodbye a hundred times as different chapters in my life have ended and I've moved onto bigger and better things, and none of them have hit me that hard. At least for me, that shows how good of a friend I have in her. But now I kind of realize what it is going to take to say goodbye to my friends and family out here. And it is going to be more difficult than just moving away for school. But I feel as though now I'm ready to say goodbye, and know that I will see everyone again soon!

Well, I better go put in my 2 week notice!

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