Monday, March 30, 2009
4 passwords later
So I finally have an office computer! They didn't send us the right user name nor the right password!!!! Oh, politics! More tonight.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Another Orientation
Well we have two team leaders who have asked non stop questions! All of which I have answered with, "You will get all that information at Orientation tonight" But they ask anyway. I already have a headache!
I could really really use a beer! A big pint of buttface amber! That is it. I'll have more after orientation.
I could really really use a beer! A big pint of buttface amber! That is it. I'll have more after orientation.
Another Sunday
I went to Lakeview Presbyterian Church this morning and it was great. The pastor was very straight forward and to the point. I'm still not use to the traditional format, I thought Trinity was traditional, but no, no they are not. My phone rang just before church began and I went to answer it, it was from a team leader coming in today. He wanted me to look for a guy who was on his way to camp, and give him a message. He seemed a little shocked when I said that I was at church and it was about to start! But he definately made up for it by apologizing when I did meet him today. There is a cute guy in one of the groups. There is another group coming in tonight that is my age and I'm exctited!
I don't know whether or not to go to another church next sunday or the sameone as today. We'll see. Anyway I'll have more tomorrow after all the orientations.
I don't know whether or not to go to another church next sunday or the sameone as today. We'll see. Anyway I'll have more tomorrow after all the orientations.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I kicked a frog this morning
Yes, the title is true. We got 4 inches of rain last night. The lightning was so bright, I had to get an eye mask in order to sleep. The rain was so loud that I needed ear plugs and could still hear the rain. The thunder was so strong that it shook my trailer!
Julia and I decided to both get up for the breakfast responsibilities this morning so that our getting up early was equal for the week. Needless to say both of us had really been up since 1am. We've been on Tornado watch for the last 24 hours. When I got up this morning at about 5:45, and I was running late, as soon as I got out of bed I stepped in a puddle in my trailer. Then I went to the bathroom of my trailer to get a towel to clean it up, and stepped in another puddle, and I found a leak in the corner of my trailer as well. Okay, so all of this is at 5:45 am. I grab my shower stuff, and head to the main building to shower and check on the group making pancakes for breakfast. Julia and I talk a little about the puddles we found in our trailers, and we realize that we need to open the gate, so I volunteered since my feet were already wet from walking in the flooded walkway to the building. As I'm walking to the gate to unlock it, I kicked a little frog that was jumping just as I was crossing the parking lot. I'll admit (and it sounds bad but) I got a good laugh out of kicking the frog. It reminded me of driving to Brandon's parents' house and the frogs jumping into the side of the car as we were driving.
So after the frog kicking, I opened the office to check e-mail since since we were still on tornado watch. Well, to my surprise our desk was completely covered in water. All the paper work we had half completed in 5hours yesterday, the computer, the floor, everything. Turns out the leak that our boss said was fixed wasn't really fixed. So Julia and I cleaned up the office at 6am! Once we had breakfast I made the announcement of the dedication for the afternoon, and right after everyone left for the day the news was saying that people in that part of the city should evacuate. Okay, I'm laughing hysterically at this point because what else could go wrong with the day? Famous last words. I was the black cloud today for my boss, and I called her at 8am and gave her the laundry list of crap that had gone wrong just this morning.
Vann, one of the construction managers came and assessed the roof damage. He and Heidi rebuilt that part of our roof for us! Then the electrician didn't come. then we had the dedication. It was a full day! As I was getting the group cooking going two guys came in half dressed and said that the door to the men's shower trailer was locked and that they couldn't get in. Once I got there, I realized I didn't have a key, but I turned the handle, and pulled, then I pulled again and poof the door was open. Oh boy did I have fun giving the guys crap about that! It must be my womanly strength! Go me! And now our dishwasher is leaking too!
The dinner bell just rung, and I need to go pray. I love being flexible.
Oh yes there is more to the day! As we were praying for dinner, we were ticked that all the other groups left for dinner and didn't tell either Julia or I so we made taco stuff for 40 people, and only had 14! Not a happy manager I am. Then while the girls were clea
ning up, they closed the pantry door, which happened to be locked and we didn't have a key! the boss gave me permission to drill the lock and take a part the door handle. So I have pictures (I'll up loaded them later) that Julia took of me with my cell phone glued to one ear talking to my dad, and my hands working on getting the door handle off of the pantry. I am proud to report that we no longer have a door handle on the pantry, so this can't happen least not to the pantry, who knows what else can lock and I don't have keys too.
Julia and I decided to both get up for the breakfast responsibilities this morning so that our getting up early was equal for the week. Needless to say both of us had really been up since 1am. We've been on Tornado watch for the last 24 hours. When I got up this morning at about 5:45, and I was running late, as soon as I got out of bed I stepped in a puddle in my trailer. Then I went to the bathroom of my trailer to get a towel to clean it up, and stepped in another puddle, and I found a leak in the corner of my trailer as well. Okay, so all of this is at 5:45 am. I grab my shower stuff, and head to the main building to shower and check on the group making pancakes for breakfast. Julia and I talk a little about the puddles we found in our trailers, and we realize that we need to open the gate, so I volunteered since my feet were already wet from walking in the flooded walkway to the building. As I'm walking to the gate to unlock it, I kicked a little frog that was jumping just as I was crossing the parking lot. I'll admit (and it sounds bad but) I got a good laugh out of kicking the frog. It reminded me of driving to Brandon's parents' house and the frogs jumping into the side of the car as we were driving.
So after the frog kicking, I opened the office to check e-mail since since we were still on tornado watch. Well, to my surprise our desk was completely covered in water. All the paper work we had half completed in 5hours yesterday, the computer, the floor, everything. Turns out the leak that our boss said was fixed wasn't really fixed. So Julia and I cleaned up the office at 6am! Once we had breakfast I made the announcement of the dedication for the afternoon, and right after everyone left for the day the news was saying that people in that part of the city should evacuate. Okay, I'm laughing hysterically at this point because what else could go wrong with the day? Famous last words. I was the black cloud today for my boss, and I called her at 8am and gave her the laundry list of crap that had gone wrong just this morning.
Vann, one of the construction managers came and assessed the roof damage. He and Heidi rebuilt that part of our roof for us! Then the electrician didn't come. then we had the dedication. It was a full day! As I was getting the group cooking going two guys came in half dressed and said that the door to the men's shower trailer was locked and that they couldn't get in. Once I got there, I realized I didn't have a key, but I turned the handle, and pulled, then I pulled again and poof the door was open. Oh boy did I have fun giving the guys crap about that! It must be my womanly strength! Go me! And now our dishwasher is leaking too!
The dinner bell just rung, and I need to go pray. I love being flexible.
Oh yes there is more to the day! As we were praying for dinner, we were ticked that all the other groups left for dinner and didn't tell either Julia or I so we made taco stuff for 40 people, and only had 14! Not a happy manager I am. Then while the girls were clea
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Earthquake in New Orleans??
No it wasn't an earthquake that shook my trailer, it was the thunder!! We had a great thunder storm last night. Unfortunately that it shook my trailer so badly that I have been awake since 3am this morning. We have about 2inches of standing water on one of the main walkways into the common building. I put up signs but no one is really paying attention so when they complain I shrug my shoulders at them. I feel a little rested despite being up so early, and getting even less sleep, but today is a low-key day on the to do list, so I'm going to really take the down time for me and just chill out in my trailer. I need some no people contact time.
I've realized why I'm so exhausted, it is because as soon as I get up at 5:30am, I'm in contact with people and I don't get to stop until I choose to go to bed at whatever time that will be. Last night it was 8:30 when I went to bed. It will probably be the same thing tonight.
We have a dedication tomorrow, and that makes me super excited. I can't wait to take pictures and experience that joy with the home owner. That is a part that makes this job worth while in my opinion. Well, I hear the complaints, I better get the breakfast bell rung!
I've realized why I'm so exhausted, it is because as soon as I get up at 5:30am, I'm in contact with people and I don't get to stop until I choose to go to bed at whatever time that will be. Last night it was 8:30 when I went to bed. It will probably be the same thing tonight.
We have a dedication tomorrow, and that makes me super excited. I can't wait to take pictures and experience that joy with the home owner. That is a part that makes this job worth while in my opinion. Well, I hear the complaints, I better get the breakfast bell rung!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Short one...
I had a great day! I learned that I really don't like New Orleans Rain, because it makes you hot and sticky. Definitely would rather have Seattle Rain.
I got to meet a home owner of a house almost finished which means that I'll be able to see the dedication. Amazing!
We have a dedication on Friday, and I can't wait.
Now I'm so freaking exhausted from playing Nertz with Julia and the two women who drove me nuts at last nights dinner! The group tonight just jumped in and took care of things...Go them!
Now I'm off to close the gate, and go to bed. I have to be up at 6:20am tomorrow.
I got to meet a home owner of a house almost finished which means that I'll be able to see the dedication. Amazing!
We have a dedication on Friday, and I can't wait.
Now I'm so freaking exhausted from playing Nertz with Julia and the two women who drove me nuts at last nights dinner! The group tonight just jumped in and took care of things...Go them!
Now I'm off to close the gate, and go to bed. I have to be up at 6:20am tomorrow.
God is Great
Most of the groups have had a 180 turn around! I'm excited, people are starting to interact. There are always the exceptions, but I'm excited. People have fallen into the routine, I just wish that I could. Although it was nice to not have to get up until 6:30 this morning instead of 5:20. But when people don't observe quiet hours, that extra hour didn't really mean much.
Julia and I are going to try and get to a site or two to take pics and work. At least that is my hope.
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Julia and I are going to try and get to a site or two to take pics and work. At least that is my hope.
Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Successful night...
I'm going to throw tonight into a successful one because I did not commit a homicide! The elderly group that was slated to cook dinner tonight spent more than half the cooking time complaining to me and not cooking. The best part was, all they had to do was make a salad and grill Burgers and hot dogs! not difficult! Not difficult at all. I thawed all the meat today before everyone got back. Julia and I did all the shopping Sat, and got lost! But no, they had to complain because there wasn't any beans to cook with dinner! Seriously!!!! I had to call Jessie and tell her that she is a much stronger woman than I for being able to put up with that for a whole year! I'm so sleep deprived that I couldn't handle the whole not being flexible part of dinner. Julia then took over for me and I helped with clean up after the group was in a better mood because dinner was a success.
I'll admit this is a rough group to start off with! Thank God for the UPC group to keep me sane. I got to play a game of Cribbage tonight and I had a 20pt hand!!!!! I only beat Anna by 4 points tonight, but it was a fun game. Tomorrow will be easier, I hope. For now I'm going to bed at 9pm because I'm wiped.
God is GOOD!
I'll admit this is a rough group to start off with! Thank God for the UPC group to keep me sane. I got to play a game of Cribbage tonight and I had a 20pt hand!!!!! I only beat Anna by 4 points tonight, but it was a fun game. Tomorrow will be easier, I hope. For now I'm going to bed at 9pm because I'm wiped.
God is GOOD!
Oh man, it is early
There is something wrong when I've been up for an hour, showered and dressed and it is only 6:20am!!!! This schedule is going to kick my butt! I have this morning's breakfast crew but tomorrow and Wed. Julia is going to get up and I can sleep until breakfast. Which is at 7am, so a couple more hours of sleep.
We have a full day today with breakfast at 7am, group photos at 8am, and construction orientation at 9am. Once we kick the volunteers off for their sites, Julia and I have to go pick up our very large Sam's Club food order, send confirmation e-mails to next week's crew, forward mail, and FedEx a left cell phone, and finish labeling the pantry which we organized yesterday. Then I'm taking a nap. Hopefully we'll be done with everything around 3 so I can have a 2 hour nap today. I'm already exhausted.
I'm just in need of my Starbucks!
We have a full day today with breakfast at 7am, group photos at 8am, and construction orientation at 9am. Once we kick the volunteers off for their sites, Julia and I have to go pick up our very large Sam's Club food order, send confirmation e-mails to next week's crew, forward mail, and FedEx a left cell phone, and finish labeling the pantry which we organized yesterday. Then I'm taking a nap. Hopefully we'll be done with everything around 3 so I can have a 2 hour nap today. I'm already exhausted.
I'm just in need of my Starbucks!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Oh the things said in the wee hours
Yesterday was Sat. and we had 2 groups come in during the day. One group called my phone asking where Julia and I were and why we weren't there to greet them. I calmly replied that we were just getting off the freeway and would be there in 5 min. The best part was that it was about 1:30pm and we weren't expecting a group until 2:30, and the group that called was slated to come in at 4pm. Okay not really a good first impression, but you know, they drove from PA, so I understand the short fuses.
The other group tried to lock us in camp when we were here. The best part was that they didn't even lock the lock. The lock ended up being smarter, it was after all an old lock. Both of these groups keep to themselves.
Julia and I had a bonding movie night in my trailer last night. Julia is the one training me. She is cool! I'm sad that she is leaving me on April 2nd. But anyway, we watched Twilight, and then played Nertz for an hour while we waited for the college group from UPC to arrive. They were slated to come in at about midnight and came in closer to 1am. They are a cool group of young women. They have a lot of energy and I got to take them to church this morning and that was fun too. We went to First Pres. New Orleans, on Claiborne Ave. It definitely was an interesting, short/sweet service, but next week I'm going to go check out Lakeview Pres. And see how that differs. I'm not entirely motivated to church shop, but I know that for my own sanity I need to.
This job doesn't leave much time for sleep. Saturday morning my work phone rang at 4:50am because someone had left their cell phone and were already at the airport. Then this morning one of the group leaders called me at 7am to tell me 2 people weren't going to make it with their group. Which was pointless information, and definitely didn't need to be called in at 7am when it was my one chance to sleep until 9am! Sunday mornings are my only mornings to sleep, or at least sleep until church, but most church services are later in the morning out here so that isn't so bad. Julia and I decided to split up the week for who gets up with morning crew, so that we both don't have to be up and in the kitchen by 5:45am. I'm taking tomorrow morning since the group getting breakfast together is the group from UPC, an Julia is taking Tuesday and Wed. to give me a couple of consistent mornings off.
Julia and I had an adventure yesterday, we tried to find Wal-mart! Big mistake, we totally got lost, so much for google maps being better! I ended up calling Jessie, who thank God was in front of a computer and got us to Wal-mart. It was fun though, Julia and I laughed the whole time, and I'll admit a ton of expletives were spewing from my mouth. Jessie heard some of them too! Then my credit card was declined at Wal-mart so I put it on my debit card and filled out the paper work to be reimbursed later. What a hassle. The financial director yelled at me, then informed me that I had to activate the card, and gave me the pin number to do so. I calmly told her that I wouldn't have known what the pin number was if she hadn't of given it to me, so that was information she needed to give me at the beginning because I was not a mind reader.
I don't think PDA realizes that they got a squeaky wheel when it comes to me. If they want me to double check everything then I will. And I'll make a lot of fuss if I have to.
I gave my first orientation tonight and it went well, there were a few things that I forgot, but Julia and I wrote them down to remember for the morning breakfast. I'll admit that I'm a little nervous about the group dynamics. One group in particular has been down so many times that the first thing they did was tell Julia and I how to fix things so they better run, and they had only been here 2 hours! But Julia and I have a good handle on things, and we tweaked stuff so things run the way we think will be best. And we'll see how this week works. Hopefully, and prayerfully it will be a lot better than the first impressions have let on.
Prayer requests:
1. That this week's community comes together
2. My energy level and optimism stays high despite lack of sleep
3. Confidence that it is God who is in control not me, or the volunteers
The other group tried to lock us in camp when we were here. The best part was that they didn't even lock the lock. The lock ended up being smarter, it was after all an old lock. Both of these groups keep to themselves.
Julia and I had a bonding movie night in my trailer last night. Julia is the one training me. She is cool! I'm sad that she is leaving me on April 2nd. But anyway, we watched Twilight, and then played Nertz for an hour while we waited for the college group from UPC to arrive. They were slated to come in at about midnight and came in closer to 1am. They are a cool group of young women. They have a lot of energy and I got to take them to church this morning and that was fun too. We went to First Pres. New Orleans, on Claiborne Ave. It definitely was an interesting, short/sweet service, but next week I'm going to go check out Lakeview Pres. And see how that differs. I'm not entirely motivated to church shop, but I know that for my own sanity I need to.
This job doesn't leave much time for sleep. Saturday morning my work phone rang at 4:50am because someone had left their cell phone and were already at the airport. Then this morning one of the group leaders called me at 7am to tell me 2 people weren't going to make it with their group. Which was pointless information, and definitely didn't need to be called in at 7am when it was my one chance to sleep until 9am! Sunday mornings are my only mornings to sleep, or at least sleep until church, but most church services are later in the morning out here so that isn't so bad. Julia and I decided to split up the week for who gets up with morning crew, so that we both don't have to be up and in the kitchen by 5:45am. I'm taking tomorrow morning since the group getting breakfast together is the group from UPC, an Julia is taking Tuesday and Wed. to give me a couple of consistent mornings off.
Julia and I had an adventure yesterday, we tried to find Wal-mart! Big mistake, we totally got lost, so much for google maps being better! I ended up calling Jessie, who thank God was in front of a computer and got us to Wal-mart. It was fun though, Julia and I laughed the whole time, and I'll admit a ton of expletives were spewing from my mouth. Jessie heard some of them too! Then my credit card was declined at Wal-mart so I put it on my debit card and filled out the paper work to be reimbursed later. What a hassle. The financial director yelled at me, then informed me that I had to activate the card, and gave me the pin number to do so. I calmly told her that I wouldn't have known what the pin number was if she hadn't of given it to me, so that was information she needed to give me at the beginning because I was not a mind reader.
I don't think PDA realizes that they got a squeaky wheel when it comes to me. If they want me to double check everything then I will. And I'll make a lot of fuss if I have to.
I gave my first orientation tonight and it went well, there were a few things that I forgot, but Julia and I wrote them down to remember for the morning breakfast. I'll admit that I'm a little nervous about the group dynamics. One group in particular has been down so many times that the first thing they did was tell Julia and I how to fix things so they better run, and they had only been here 2 hours! But Julia and I have a good handle on things, and we tweaked stuff so things run the way we think will be best. And we'll see how this week works. Hopefully, and prayerfully it will be a lot better than the first impressions have let on.
Prayer requests:
1. That this week's community comes together
2. My energy level and optimism stays high despite lack of sleep
3. Confidence that it is God who is in control not me, or the volunteers
Friday, March 20, 2009
Morning 1
Okay, I promise I'm not going to write every morning! I slept well. I slept hard and without any sleep aides!!! Even better. I crashed at about 9:30pm last night which was 7:30 my normal time, but it certainly made it easier to get up at 5:45. Today I get to go over my money responsibilities, and get the credit card. I also get to forward mail to Jessie! I have Jessie's old trailer. Which I'm told leaks, but it smells like a smoker lived there, so I'm trying everything! Any good suggestions would be welcomed! It is supper muggy this morning but I woke up cold! But by cold I mean it was probably 45, warm enough for me not to need a sweatshirt to run from the shower to the trailer. I'm anxious to get the day going. I know it is only 6:50am, but I am so ready to learn and start this process. The girl who is training me is only here until April 2nd, so I need to learn quickly...luckily for me that is a specialty.
Thanks to all who love me and are praying for me. I've definitely felt those prayers the last few days.
I'm sorry if I don't answer my personal phone, I've decided that the best place for it is in my trailer during the day and I'll catch up on messages at the end of the day.
Payer request: That the job info isn't too overwhelming, and that I retain it all!
Thanks to all who love me and are praying for me. I've definitely felt those prayers the last few days.
I'm sorry if I don't answer my personal phone, I've decided that the best place for it is in my trailer during the day and I'll catch up on messages at the end of the day.
Payer request: That the job info isn't too overwhelming, and that I retain it all!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Hey ye'all, I'm in New Orleans and settling in to Olive Tree. Sorry if it is hard to get a hold of me I'm flying fast. Do leave me messages, and texts, and I'll do my best to get back to you, but I won't be carrying my personal phone all the time, but I'll do my best!
Peace of Christ be with you!
Peace of Christ be with you!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Amazingly Blessed
I guess I didn't fully realize how many friends I have! I had almost the whole group from Convergence come lay hands on me to pray for me to head off to New Orleans...Then more than 40 of them showed up to the Ram!
Thank you all sooooooo much. I feel so loved, and Blessed, and I Know God is here! Can't wait to update ya'll once I get there and get settled.
Thanks, God Bless!
Thank you all sooooooo much. I feel so loved, and Blessed, and I Know God is here! Can't wait to update ya'll once I get there and get settled.
Thanks, God Bless!
Friday, March 13, 2009
I'm ready, ready, ready...
Although I'm not looking forward to a weekend filled with "goodbyes" I'm anxious to get them going so that I can leave for New Orleans. I've checked out of work mentally...dubbed by a co-worker and Seniorits, which is about how I'm feeling.
I don't know how I'm going to get everything done, but more than anything I'm looking forward to the little bit of free time that I can muster, to spend in my room packing, thinking, and praying. On Monday I started the book "Yadayada Prayer Group" Book 2. And it is a quick read, but it is also very inspiring. I think the thing that is hitting me the most through this book is starting prayer off with Praise. It doesn't matter what trauma you go through, You are still here to praise God! So I'm trying that. I'm trying to be proactively praising first. I figure, that I'm about to go down to do God's work and I get to pray with different people and groups! Now, I'll be the first to admit that praying aloud is out of my comfort zone...My small group girls can contest to that. But I vowed that 2009 would be the year of stepping out of my comfort zone, and I'll admit it gets easier to pray aloud the more I do it.
I'm ready to leave, and ready to be pulled out of my comfort zone. I'm excited, and ready! More than anything I'm ready for the awkward beginnings to be over, and find my routine! And I'm more than ready to shake up this routine that I've settled myself into in front of a computer!
I don't know how I'm going to get everything done, but more than anything I'm looking forward to the little bit of free time that I can muster, to spend in my room packing, thinking, and praying. On Monday I started the book "Yadayada Prayer Group" Book 2. And it is a quick read, but it is also very inspiring. I think the thing that is hitting me the most through this book is starting prayer off with Praise. It doesn't matter what trauma you go through, You are still here to praise God! So I'm trying that. I'm trying to be proactively praising first. I figure, that I'm about to go down to do God's work and I get to pray with different people and groups! Now, I'll be the first to admit that praying aloud is out of my comfort zone...My small group girls can contest to that. But I vowed that 2009 would be the year of stepping out of my comfort zone, and I'll admit it gets easier to pray aloud the more I do it.
I'm ready to leave, and ready to be pulled out of my comfort zone. I'm excited, and ready! More than anything I'm ready for the awkward beginnings to be over, and find my routine! And I'm more than ready to shake up this routine that I've settled myself into in front of a computer!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Schedual Closed!
Okay, so I didn't get in to Teach for America...
I've had amazing friends who have all grounded me in saying that maybe this is a good thing. As much as I didn't want to hear it, I'm glad that I heard it so many times. Afterall, who knows what the next doors to be open are going to be?
I love what my friend Michelle had to say..."this is a good thing because now you can focus on New Orleans and working with PDA..." And that is so very true. Thank you Michelle! So with exactly one week until I get to New Orleans, I'm trying to look forward and be very intentional with my prayer time. I really pray that my heart is open to what is coming my way, and that I don't lose focus on my calling to go down there, just because my future after that is in the air.
I'll admit that I am struggling with balancing my time left here in Seattle. I'm booked to try and get everyone in, and when I got home last night, I wanted to crawl under my bed with a flashlight to read with and not come out for at least 24 hours. I'm really struggling to get a full night's sleep. I'm taking benadril to knock me out for 6 uninterupted hours, otherwise, my mind is racing too much to even sleep. That is just me getting excited to leave though. The only problem is that I've been sleeping like that since a week and half before I left for IL. I slept the best at Jessie's.
I'm just running out of time. And that is okay. But from here on out, I'm going to be saying "no" to more get togethers. I can't do it and get my stuff done, and get some quality prayer time in too. So if you want one more chance to see me, come to Northachers park on 3rd NE and 125th between the hours of 3 and 6pm on Sunday. I'll be playing softball there. Other than that, my schedule is closed due to packing and cleaning, and organizing.
I've had amazing friends who have all grounded me in saying that maybe this is a good thing. As much as I didn't want to hear it, I'm glad that I heard it so many times. Afterall, who knows what the next doors to be open are going to be?
I love what my friend Michelle had to say..."this is a good thing because now you can focus on New Orleans and working with PDA..." And that is so very true. Thank you Michelle! So with exactly one week until I get to New Orleans, I'm trying to look forward and be very intentional with my prayer time. I really pray that my heart is open to what is coming my way, and that I don't lose focus on my calling to go down there, just because my future after that is in the air.
I'll admit that I am struggling with balancing my time left here in Seattle. I'm booked to try and get everyone in, and when I got home last night, I wanted to crawl under my bed with a flashlight to read with and not come out for at least 24 hours. I'm really struggling to get a full night's sleep. I'm taking benadril to knock me out for 6 uninterupted hours, otherwise, my mind is racing too much to even sleep. That is just me getting excited to leave though. The only problem is that I've been sleeping like that since a week and half before I left for IL. I slept the best at Jessie's.
I'm just running out of time. And that is okay. But from here on out, I'm going to be saying "no" to more get togethers. I can't do it and get my stuff done, and get some quality prayer time in too. So if you want one more chance to see me, come to Northachers park on 3rd NE and 125th between the hours of 3 and 6pm on Sunday. I'll be playing softball there. Other than that, my schedule is closed due to packing and cleaning, and organizing.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Super Scared
I'm super scared to get the results of the phone interview for Teach for America today. I won't get them until 3pm PST, but I'm so nervous I can't concentrate on anything else. The interview didn't start well, but I feel like I ended strong. I also don't feel like I got the chance to really convey how much I want to teach. So please pray...because I'm a nervous wreck!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Much needed time
It is now 6:35, and once my tea kettle starts whistling, I'm filling my cup, and heading up to confine myself to my room! I can't even begin to express how great this is going to be. It is much needed time for me. To reflect on this past weekend, pray for up coming events, and people, and to just relax! I'm even going to soak in a bath!
Well, there is the whistle, I'm off!
Well, there is the whistle, I'm off!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Quote of the day...
"There is a subtle difference between a mission and a promise. A mission is something you strive to accomplish--a promise is something you are compelled to keep. One is individual, the other is shared. When a mission and a promise are one and the same...that's when mountains are moved and races are won." ~Hala Moddelmog
I'm excited, my notice is put in, and I feel like the only thing standing in my way of being ready to leave for New Orleans is packing, and trying to fit all the friends in to my next 15 days of being here in Seattle. I feel ready to go. This week is jammed pack full of get together stuff. Friday night at the Little Red Hen, come dancing with me, I think that is the best way for me to get everyone in. Here is what my schedule looks like:
3-4: Small group 7-9, Red Hen for Michelle's B-day 9-whenever
3-5: A night for Me
3-6: Red Hen for my going away party 8:30-close
3-7: Cleaning room day for me...Clubbing 9-whenever
3-8: Coffee with friends (there are at least 3 of them)
Next week is more of me focused, I hope
Then I'm gone! So I need to get things together to mail down to NO, and off I run.
I almost wish I didn't have to say the goodbyes and could just leave, but that isn't going to be healthy for me...So the next two weeks, I'm running around shoot me an e-mail or call me and I'll see what I can't fit into my schedule.
I'm excited, my notice is put in, and I feel like the only thing standing in my way of being ready to leave for New Orleans is packing, and trying to fit all the friends in to my next 15 days of being here in Seattle. I feel ready to go. This week is jammed pack full of get together stuff. Friday night at the Little Red Hen, come dancing with me, I think that is the best way for me to get everyone in. Here is what my schedule looks like:
3-4: Small group 7-9, Red Hen for Michelle's B-day 9-whenever
3-5: A night for Me
3-6: Red Hen for my going away party 8:30-close
3-7: Cleaning room day for me...Clubbing 9-whenever
3-8: Coffee with friends (there are at least 3 of them)
Next week is more of me focused, I hope
Then I'm gone! So I need to get things together to mail down to NO, and off I run.
I almost wish I didn't have to say the goodbyes and could just leave, but that isn't going to be healthy for me...So the next two weeks, I'm running around shoot me an e-mail or call me and I'll see what I can't fit into my schedule.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Back at work...Time to quit
Wow, I never thought that the time would come where I got to go visit Jessie, then come back to work and face the roses of quitting.
I'll be honest, I was really tempted by Jessie's suggestion to just call my boss quit and stick around with her for another week or so, but stupid responsibilities got in the way!
My count-down has begun to New Orleans having only 16 more days! I'm excited, and now I'm nervous. I feel as though my vacation to visit Jessie (who worked with PDA last year) has prepared me a lot. I expected the vacation to allow me some down time, rest/relaxation, and give me the chance to pick Jessie's brain about the job I'm heading into. Little did I know that it was going to prepare me for saying goodbye as well. I had no idea it was going to be that difficult for me to say goodbye after only a few days, after all, I've said goodbye a hundred times as different chapters in my life have ended and I've moved onto bigger and better things, and none of them have hit me that hard. At least for me, that shows how good of a friend I have in her. But now I kind of realize what it is going to take to say goodbye to my friends and family out here. And it is going to be more difficult than just moving away for school. But I feel as though now I'm ready to say goodbye, and know that I will see everyone again soon!
Well, I better go put in my 2 week notice!
I'll be honest, I was really tempted by Jessie's suggestion to just call my boss quit and stick around with her for another week or so, but stupid responsibilities got in the way!
My count-down has begun to New Orleans having only 16 more days! I'm excited, and now I'm nervous. I feel as though my vacation to visit Jessie (who worked with PDA last year) has prepared me a lot. I expected the vacation to allow me some down time, rest/relaxation, and give me the chance to pick Jessie's brain about the job I'm heading into. Little did I know that it was going to prepare me for saying goodbye as well. I had no idea it was going to be that difficult for me to say goodbye after only a few days, after all, I've said goodbye a hundred times as different chapters in my life have ended and I've moved onto bigger and better things, and none of them have hit me that hard. At least for me, that shows how good of a friend I have in her. But now I kind of realize what it is going to take to say goodbye to my friends and family out here. And it is going to be more difficult than just moving away for school. But I feel as though now I'm ready to say goodbye, and know that I will see everyone again soon!
Well, I better go put in my 2 week notice!
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