Sorry to all who follow this on a regular basis. My friend Jessie came into town from Chicago, and I knew that with her here I wouldn't have time to blog, or call many people.
Jessie was on vacation, and I happened to not have any volunteers this week! So we started the week off on Monday by going to the Dauphine St. house that was slated to be finished at the end of this week. (We did it!!!) Jessie and I got the lovely task of replacing window payn
es in sectional windows on the second story of the house. Needless to say, the roof pitch was 45 degrees so standing on the roof was not really an options. Well, we solved this issue by having one person sit on the window ledge and lean out the window while the other holds their legs for safety and hand the tools needed.

Jessie did that whole window that you are looking at. first she had to peel out the broken payne with a paint scraper. Then she needed to scrape the edge clean, using a caulk gun she added the window grip (glue). Then we placed the payne in. Remember how I'm always talking about the need to be flexible, well the window payne didn't exactly fit right. So we created some make shift spacers to help keep it in place. Getting another caulk gun, we re-glazed the window. Glaze is messy. Jessie's body was so exhausted that her abs and legs were shaking...a lot! She was getting frustrated with the glaze, so I jumped up on the window and leaned out, using a wet rag, and a tool on my pocket knife, I cleaned up the glaze and made the window look professionally put in. We had one more payne on the same window so Jessie took it out, and secured the window, and I got back up and did the glaze. This window that Jessie is sitting at wasn't so scary because we were in a bedroom and knew if we jumped through the window that we were going to be solid. The other window that we had to do was at the top of the steep stair well. There were also 2 paynes to take care of on that window. One on the bottom and one at the very top. We did our normal routine that we had established for the bottom payne, but the glass didn't fit at all!!! So we had to put it off until Tuesday.

On Tuesday we got the payne replaced in less than 40min. (We were pros now after all!) then went out to Castnets for lunch with a bunch of people. I had my deep fried oyster po-boy and it was heavenly. When we got back we had to tackle the top payne. So Jessie was willing to go out on the roof and stand at the funky angle to replace it. But we did make a harness out of a thick extension cord that was around Jessie's waist and mine and to a support beam inside the house.

Wed. we got to head over to Diamondhead, Mississippi to set up the dining hall for the new village. We have moved the Pearlington Village to Diamondhead. It was a freaking hot day 89
degrees and there was no AC set up yet. We were both hot and sweaty and sticky and it turned into a 2 shower day! Thursday hit with a bang. I went to Sam's Club to pick up my food order for next week since I'll have 75 volunteers staying here, and I opened my e-mail to find that my boss and financial director had both been sacked! I couldn't believe it. I was in shock. I cried. They are the only two people who stood up for us volunteers and found us time off, and a break and worked really hard with us so that things can go smoothly.

Now I don't know what exactly is going to happen next, but replacements have been named and they start on Monday. I'm scared, and I kind of feel like I'm back in the politics of Target. So now I'm praying harder for my next direction and looking for jobs that start in Aug. because I have a hard time seeing myself here in the fall; which is sad, but it is a little more direction.

Jessie and I did take a lot of time to play this week too! We started in the French Quarter on Sunday after she got in. We walked every where and saw everything and had an amazing time in each other's company.
On Monday night I took Jessie to Snugg Harbor to see Charmaine Neville perform. We paid the cover for the 8pm show. Detroit Brooks, who is Charmaine's guitar player saw me sitting in the corner and sat and talked to us for a while. When the first show ended, we were talking with Charmaine's Cousin Bryce Neville. Then we talked
with Charmaine for a while (since I do know her) and Detroit asked us if we were staying for the 10pm show, and we shook our heads because it was sold out. He winked and told us to stay put. When the bouncer came round to tell us we needed to leave, I looked at him and told him that Detroit had told us to stay put and he was okay with that, so we got to see the second show for free!!!! I was showing off a bit with all my connections, but it was so worth it. Afterward, we hung out with Detroit and Charmaine after the club had mostly cleared out.

Thursday night we went to Red Fish Grill for dinner and it was amazing! I found a new favorite drink called the Texas Tea. It is much easier to drink than a Hurricane.
Friday night was also amazing! We drove down to Houma, LA and we shopped for a while, ate Chinese food for dinner in the town square, and then went and played bingo at Town Hall. It was a lot of fun even though we didn't win. After bingo we were going to go to the Jolly Inn for Cajun dancing but it was closed so we ended up at another bar instead. It was a very late night, but so worth it.
Now I'm playing catch up, and trying to get ready for back to back weeks of 70 people. That being said, I should probably work! I'm sad to see Jessie go this morning, but I am lucky to have her as a friend who challenges me in life both personally and spiritually. Well I'm back to the grindstone.
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