This week was such a roller coaster! It started off high with seeing my Delaware group from last year and I was so stinking excited!!!!! Let me tell you that without them this week, I would have had myself convinced to just quit this and say I'm done. The group from IL was a real piece of work...I take that back, their team leader was a piece of work. He even had the audacity to write our review and give it to us instead of to headquarters. That review stated that we should have given him an orientation etc...He blew me off when I told him when I was going to have their orientation, after accommodating them for coming in so late and missing orientation in the first place. I did my best to kill them with kindness but I finally just had to walk away. They even tried to leave early to get out of room inspection...well, I live in the trailer in the parking lot and heard them loading up...that did not make them happy. I never thought that in this position, at the end of the week like today that I would be this happy to see a group go. If I've learned anything it is that first impressions mean nothing, and I'm sad that this one was true.

Without Delaware here to keep me in perspective of what it means to do God's work, I would have been more burnt out this week than I am. I'm sad to see that group go. I wish they could have stayed one more week. One thing that has been on my heart, that a couple of friends have pointed out to me at the beginning of this week was how important it is to be filled up. Delaware did that for me this week, and my friends from UPC will do that again this week for me.
I'm growing and stretching with God and it is uncomfortable, but such a blessing. I really do like this job because I'm learning to live in the moment, and see God all the time. Even through a couple crying melt-downs this week. Knowing all the time that God is here, and good. Everyone that I come across teaches me something else about God, just through me watching them all week. I still feel like this is where I'm supposed to be, and this job overall is so perfect for me.
I think the scary thing about this situation is I can look back over the last 3 years and tell you that God was specifically preparing me for this job, through dealing with difficult people from Target, whether that was customers or co-workers, and at Keller it is interesting co-workers, and the importance of accounts/payable. I've been prepared for this job, and I see how God has done that over the years. Thanks to Him!

Without Delaware here to keep me in perspective of what it means to do God's work, I would have been more burnt out this week than I am. I'm sad to see that group go. I wish they could have stayed one more week. One thing that has been on my heart, that a couple of friends have pointed out to me at the beginning of this week was how important it is to be filled up. Delaware did that for me this week, and my friends from UPC will do that again this week for me.
I'm growing and stretching with God and it is uncomfortable, but such a blessing. I really do like this job because I'm learning to live in the moment, and see God all the time. Even through a couple crying melt-downs this week. Knowing all the time that God is here, and good. Everyone that I come across teaches me something else about God, just through me watching them all week. I still feel like this is where I'm supposed to be, and this job overall is so perfect for me.
I think the scary thing about this situation is I can look back over the last 3 years and tell you that God was specifically preparing me for this job, through dealing with difficult people from Target, whether that was customers or co-workers, and at Keller it is interesting co-workers, and the importance of accounts/payable. I've been prepared for this job, and I see how God has done that over the years. Thanks to Him!
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